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About Me

Licensed Massage Therapist / Orthopedic Massage Therapist / Myoskeletal Master Therapist

Let me introduce myself …. My name is Jagoda Rodic and I grew up in the suburbs of Amsterdam. Currently living and working in Amstelveen. Sport, exercise and “caring for” has always played a role in my life. I finally reached a point where I could combine all three of them.

In addition to my personal life experience, I also learned and gained a lot experince in healthcare. I have been working as a Nurse for more than 22 years, of which the last 15 years (until now) at the ER.

20 years ago I wanted to do Sportsmassage but was allready enrolled in the healthcare and just started a family that I decided to put that wish on hold.

I absolutely do not regret becoming and working as an (ER) Nurse since it brought me so much knowledge and experience in general. Something I now see as one of my advantages in practicing Massage Therapy.

After I passed my exam in Sportsmassage at the NGS (National Society Sportsmassage), my hunger for knowledge was not yet satisfied. In 2018 I completed a 3-year HBO (college) education in Massage Therapy at Esoterra. During this I have completed a range of extra courses and education. One of these is the Orthopedic Massage Therapy which I followed in Canada and in the US. I had finally found something where I felt completely at place!

At the moment I am the only qualified Orthopedic massage therapist in the Netherlands. Currently studying Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy and I am so enthusiastic about this type of bodywork because it can give quick and good results.

Relevant Education in Massagetherapie:

Licensed Massage Therapist
Orthopedic Massage Therapist
Myoskeletal Master Therapist

What to expect

Professional attitude, discretion and sincerety has always been a thread in my work and personal life. Massage Therapy is my passion and you can expect that I will do everything what is within my reach of possibilities to help you. This includes research and if needed refering out to for example a physician or other healthcare provider.

Besides a client medical history, visual examination, palpation, and some form of movement evaluation, I will apply some Orthopedic testing to determine what type of soft tissue work will be most effective. If needed stretching or strenghtening excercises, this will be provided.

Prior to a Massage Therapy treatment you’ll receive an online intake form. This means more treatment time. The Massage Therapy session will take 60 minutes long.

The massage techniques I use:

  • Deep Tissue
  • Triggerpoint Therapy
  • Myofascial Release
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Cupping
  • Elastic Taping (if necessary)
  • Nerve Gliding

Services and pricing

30 min - €50,-

Regular clients
Treatment of 30 minutes to relieve one specific problem ( for example neck, shoulder, lower back, sciatica...)
Only for regular clients.

60 min - €90,-

New and regular clients
Pain in multiple areas?
For two complaints; neck/shoulder complaints, tingling, numbness, radiating pain...
Problem-oriented treatment with joint mobilization and therapeutic massage for two complaints/problems.

90 min - €135,-

New and regular clients
90 minute treatment with time for problem focused bodywork, joint mobilizations, posture corrections and therapeutic massage.
For more than 2 problem areas.

You can only book by
Whatsapp / Phone / Mail

Health Care fees & Professional Association

The massage therapy treatment (s) are fully or partially reimbursed, This depends on your health insurance company and your supplementary insurance!

Please contact your health insurance company for confirmation.

Member of the : Vereniging ter Bevordering van Alternatieve Geneeswijze
(Association for the Promotion of Alternative Medicine)

Registered at: Register Beoefenaren Complementaire Zorg
(Register Practitioners Complementary Care)

KVK /Chambre of Commerce nr 74060554


Satya Tanner
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I had a frozen shoulder and Jagoda gave me more movement back than anyone else I tried. Within one session I would gain 10-15 degrees movement. I even flew in from another country to receive her treatment. Unfortunately COVID-19 hit and i couldn’t finish up the treatment, but she got me from 30% to 90% of the way there in just a few sessions. I would definitely recommend her to anyone with a frozen shoulder!
Martin Blomenkamp
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Ik was al een tijd op zoek naar een ( fysio) therapeut die mij periodiek kan behandelen aan mijn artrose klachten van mijn nek/ schouder en lage rugklachten. Aangezien ik ook daarbij een gerichte specifieke massage therapie wilde krijgen,die fysio's lang niet altijd meer geven,kwam ik bij Jagoda Rodic. Ik moet zeggen dat ik daar geen spijt van heb want het resultaat is er ook naar. Met haar professionele en gerichte, vriendelijke ondersteuning kan ik elke maand met minder bewegings pijn voort. Een aanrader!
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Jagoda is een zeer professionele (en lieve) behandelaar die heel goed weet waar ze mee bezig is. Klachtenanalyse, behandeling die gericht is op zo snel mogelijk duurzaam wegnemen van de pijn (in mijn geval chronische schouderklachten). Na twee behandelingen was ik helemaal pijnvrij. Ik beveel haar aan iedereen aan die langdurige, soms onbegrepen pijnklachten heeft. Ze gebruikt vel verschillende technieken. En je vraagt je af hoe zo'n lieve vrouw aan zulke sterke handen komt. Heerlijk, een echte topper. De behandellocatie is goed, rustig en makkelijk te bereiken.
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wat een lieve vrouw, aan alles kan je merken dat ze passie heeft voor wat ze doet. Ze weet heel goed waar ze mee bezig is, eerlijk en oprecht, een topper, echt een aanrader
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Jagoda has been very helpful with my back problem. Her knowledge is very extensive. She is professional, dedicated, empathic and lovely human being.

* This is a summary, if your complaint is not listed; for more info / questions feel free to contact me.